

Kyle Benson
Senior Director of Product Marketing | Pathlock

Tired of reactive risk management and audit fire drills? Join this session to discover how Continuous Controls Monitoring (CCM) can revolutionize your Oracle application environment. We'll go beyond the technical jargon, focusing on the tangible business outcomes CCM delivers.

What you’ll learn:
  • icons  Strengthen Security: Proactively detect and mitigate security threats to protect your sensitive data and financial assets.
  • icons  Drive Compliance: Streamline audit processes, reduce compliance costs, and ensure adherence to regulations like SOX and GDPR.
  • icons  Optimize Operations: Gain real-time insights into user activity and process efficiency, empowering data-driven decision-making.
  • icons  Boost Confidence: Improve stakeholder trust in your financial reporting and operational controls.
    icons  Quantify Value: Understand the ROI of CCM and how it contributes to your organization's bottom line.
Whether you're new to CCM or looking to enhance your existing program, this webinar will provide you with actionable strategies and real-world examples to transform risk into a competitive advantage.


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